I make maps
Back-end to front-end
Implement all through code
Propedeuse Art Academy
MSc Geo Information Science
Internship Geo Web Visualization
Maptime Amsterdam & Utrecht
Web Cartographer
We make interactive maps & geo data visualizations
Our expertise is open {source; data; standards}
We combine cartography with web technology
"Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things"Tobler's first law of geography
Our brains organize by location .. why so many relate to maps and geography is that we have no choice but to think and see spatially.
Maps make sense of things
Maps lend order to complex environments
Reveal patterns and relationships
Maps allow us to communicate about location using a
Communicate locations & distances on the Earth's surface
The real shape of the earth is too complex to be useful as a reference for measurement..
3D model
Longitude Latitude
Lon Lat in decimal degrees
Standard way to store most geodata for the Web:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [5.2394137,52.0819662]
"properties": {
"name": "Hotel Theater Figi"
Mathematical projection / translation
Square, scale not relevant, shapes important
We store data in EPSG:4326, but display it in EPSG:3857!
Reading materials:
Analogue paper maps | Digital maps | Web Maps |
Data | Tiles, styles and servers | |
On the computer | View in a browser | |
Hold and fold | Calculate, analyze | Scroll, pan, zoom |
Digital maps
GIS software
GIS on the Web is not user friendly..
1996 Mapquest first with a web service!
in 2004 Endoxon found a way for quick online mapping!
2005 Google Maps took over!
The solution?
All tiles size 256x256 pixels
Placed in a grid, sharing boundaries
Seamless map
Slippy maps, Google/OSM (XYZ) - TMS - QuadTrees (Microsoft)
All these little tiles load way faster than one big map!
Each zoom level has its own set of tiles!
Zoom level 0: 1 tile for the whole world.
Increases exponentially...
Zoom level 1: 4 tiles
Zoom level 2: 16 tiles
Tiles are just images on the web
Tiles are styled and rendered in advance
styling per zoom level
Lot's and lot's of geo data!
No interaction with objects
No information available about objects
Multiple visualizations = multiple tile sets
the newest technology!
Arrays in a 256 x 256 matrix
Same tiling schema as Raster png tiles.
Binary format
No colours
Simplifies geometries
Rendering is done on client side
Custom styles on client side
Small tile size. Fast
High resolution.
Direct access to feature information.
the rendering happens in your browser with the help of your device's graphics processing unit (GPU).
+ rotating and tilting the map (3D)
+ smooth/infinite zooming
WebGL is widely supported in modern browsers
"version": 8,
"name": "Mijn eigen Stijl",
"sprite": "url",
"glyphs": "url/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"sources": {...},
"layers": [
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": { "background-color":"#FFFFFF" }
( ^ this is CSS )
"But I can't read those labels! Where are my reading glasses?"
puts it all togehter
tiles, content, interaction
When to use what?!
D3.js for data driven info graphics
Turf.js for geospatial computation in the browser
Leaflet.js for simple light weight raster web maps
OpenLayers for more elaborate raster web map with more functionality
ArcGIS Javascript API if your client uses ESRI software
MapboxGL.js for vector tiles
Tangram for vector tiles
CARTO and Mapbox for cloud solutions
HERE Maps and Google Maps API for navigation, google services and commercial goals
Open source vs closed source
Mobile vs desktop
Raster vs Vector
Amount of Interactivity or GIS functionality
Amount of data to show
Leaflet for Raster tile maps
MapboxGL.js for Vector Tile maps
D3.js for static maps
An Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps
simplicity, performance and usability
Developed by: Vladimir Agafonkin.
Weighing about 38 KB of JS.
Has all the mapping features most developers ever need.
Can be extended with Plugins
Well documented
Provide data for you.
Provide the basemap.
Its not GIS
Leaflet is a framework
Base Layer
Data Layer / Feature Layer
let map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
WMS, WFS (slow)
let marker = L.marker([52.372825, 4.900321]).addTo(map);
// ADD a WMS layer
let cbs = L.tileLayer.wms('https://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/wijkenbuurten2018/wms', {
'layers': 'cbs_buurten_2018',
'styles': 'wijkenbuurten2018:wijkenbuurten_thema_buurten_gemeentewijkbuurt_percentage_eenpersoonshuishoudens',
'srs': 'EPSG:28992',
'format': 'image/png',
'transparent': true,
'opacity': 0.5
Use EPSG:28992 > Government in Netherlands obliged to use it!
Developed by:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'yourowntoken';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map-container',
style: 'style.json',
hash: true,
zoom: 11,
pitch: 60,
bearing: 62.4,
center: [ 4.8, 52.4]
"version": 8,
"name": "Mijn eigen Stijl",
"sprite": "url",
"glyphs": "url/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"sources": {...},
"layers": [
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"paint": { "background-color":"#FFFFFF" }
Data layers in tile
Style layer
Leaflet every source is a layer
Customized background maps
Interactive data
WebGL rendering
Data Driven Documents
A JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data
D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS.
Developed by Mike Bostock
Allows you to bind data to the DOM and apply data-driven transformations to the document
supports large datasets
Dynamic, interaction, animation
Text-based, mathematical representation of an image.
Vector Graphics
Can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed!
a slippy map creator
Not based on tiles!!
Charts (pie, line), Tables, Maps, Networks, animation & interactivity
Interactive graphic map representations
Different coordinate systems and projections
"There has never been more open data available than at this moment in time, and everyone from global NGOs to armchair hobbyists are using that data to create maps. "
Vibrant. Dynamic. Responsive. Intelligent. We no longer have the static images, the paper-under-glass we used to have. Instead, today’s maps feel like living, breathing things – highlighting everything related to our taps and inputs, and dimming and de-emphasizing everything that isn’t.
the age of the autonomous vehicle
"The realization of the interactive map as an experience, not just a map design."
the cartographer
the developer
More then design
How long until most of the world is using the same map?
the Universial map - Justin oBeirne
Cartography is the new code.
Cartography is not a niche anymore it has become main stream
- Big data
- Mass consumption
- Open source software
- Open data
You need to be able to find, manipulate, and store spatial and non-spatial data.
You need to be able to design a functional and attractive cartographic representation of that data as well as the UI controls to operate it.
You need to be able to implement that design through code.
For cartographers to code. Data driven, user interactivity
For developers to design a good map, think spatial
".. maps can visualize a lot of data quickly and effectively. But they can also visualize a lot of data inaccurately and misleadingly."
Citylab - when maps lie
They stimulate both sides of our brain: the right side that’s intuitive and aesthetic, and the left side that’s rational and analytical. Maps are this wonderful combination of both.
regions with bigger sizes tend to have a bigger weight in the map interpretation
No absolute numbers, normalize your data
Carefull with the color scale
yes.. they look fancy but do not always show you the data..
Presentation: Stop using heatmaps to discover spatial patterns
Coordinate precision
"IF you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything."
Ronald Coase
Make your map carefully
Cartography in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles - Justin oBerine Are maps necessary? - Nicholas Carr
and I love to make them!
Questions ?
Stay in touch!
niene@webmapper.net |
@BNiene |
NieneB |
NieneB.nl |
Niene Boeijen |
volvo_343_dl_1980 |